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  Dedicated to the owners/staff at Record Heaven, Skivarp, Sweden Pic: Sacred Reich back in ca '89

Surf Skivarp (Sacred Reich)


Surf Skivarp

I know a place
Where you're all going to go
You'll want to pay to hear
If you're eighteen years old
First you'll need to grow some hair
And change your new clothes
It's a heavy metal jungle
But not with Johnny & Co.


You fight for metal and glory
And the "Swedish Way"
But you're not in your own territory
"What am I doing here?" you say
But now it's too late
You're entering Record Heaven
If you had brought your skateboard
You could surf Skivarp on Landsvägen

What is this we're fighting for
What's our ultimate goal
When they force their ideas
Right down our throats
Swedish inventions
Brainwash more and more
Spotify is too bad to mention
Vinyls and digipacks we adore!


You fight for metal and glory
And the "Swedish Way"
But you're not in your own territory
"What am I doing here?" you say
But now it's too late
You're entering Record Heaven
Or if you're using your keyboard
You could surf Skivarp on Landsvägen

Lessons we have learned
Are easy to forget
Hints of the bad 90s
How soon we all forget
Labels had a war on all vinyls
In the wake of their new CDs
No more worthless corporations
shall influence music for you and me


You fight for metal and glory
And the "Swedish Way"
But you're not in your own territory
"What am I doing here?" you say
But now it's too late
You're entering Record Heaven
If you had brought your skateboard
You could surf Skivarp on Landsvägen


Surf Nicaragua


I know a place
Where you're all going to go
They'll pay you to kill
If You're eighteen years old
First You'll need a haircut
And then some new clothes
They'll stick you in a jungle
To play G.I. Joe


You fight for democracy
And the "American Way"
But you're not in your country
"What am I doing here?" you say
But now it's too late
You're entering Managua
If you had brought your surfboard
You could surf Nicaragua

What is this we're fighting for
What's our ultimate goal
To force our ideas
Right down their throats
American Intervention
Grows Deeper Everyday
The situation worsens
More soldiers on the way


You fight for democracy
And the "American Way"
But you're not in your country
"What am I doing here?" you say
But now it's too late
You're entering Managua
If you had brought your surfboard
You could surf Nicaragua

Lessons we have learned
Are easy to forget
Hints of viet-nam
How soon we all forget
First we send advisors
And then go the troops
Another worthless conflict
Another Chance to lose


You fight for democracy
And the "American Way"
But you're not in your country
"What am I doing here?" you say
But now it's too late
You're entering Managua
If you had brought your surfboard
You could surf Nicaragua


(Surf Nicaragua by Phil Rind (Sacred Reich) 1988)
(Alternate version by LPW Johansson 21 Jun 2017)

Live at Wacken 2007:






Övriga genrer av L Patrik W Johansson VIP
Läst 907 gånger
Publicerad 2017-06-21 17:20

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