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Bilden: The Runaways filmposter (med Kristen Stewart och Dakota Fanning som Joan Jett & Cherie Currie) "It's 1975 and they're about to explode" Deras första hit var "Cherry Bomb"

Couchcontemplations (I Rather Listen to Rock'n'Roll)

There's way too many I could've dedicated this piece to within the world of rock but my thoughts goes to the singer of Alice in Chains, Layne Staley who passed away in 2002 & of course Kurt Cobain 1994 & Jimi Hendrix 1970


The lighter has stopped working
The bottlecap has rolled away
The record got stuck again
As I went out in the couch

And when I awake the coffe's cold

The lighter is cold
The bottlecap has stopped working
The record has rolled away
As I got stuck in the couch again

And when I awake the coffe went out

The lighter went out
The bottlecap is cold
The record has stopped working
As I rolled away in the couch

And when I awake the coffe got stuck again

The lighter got stuck again
The bottlecap went out
The record got cold
As I stopped working in the couch

And when I awake the coffe has rolled away

The lighter has rolled away
The bottlecap got stuck again
The record went out
As I lay cold in the couch

And when I awake the coffe's stopped working

The lighter has stopped working
The bottlecap has rolled away
The record got stuck again
As I went out in the couch

And when I awake the coffe's cold

LPWJ 19/03/10

Från det svenska originalet "Soffunderingar (Jag Lyssnar Hellre på Rock'n'Roll)"

Fri vers av L Patrik W Johansson VIP
Läst 551 gånger
Publicerad 2010-03-19 10:28

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