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coming up.. it's the late late show.. (fast klockan bara åtta) but it's a showdown.. ledsen, men jag började på engelska, så det fick bli så.. om nu någon hinner med att läsa detta.. och fatta

poetry beyond

if you

dear friend
imagine happiness

beyond expected

then imagine..

children laughing
without learning

and you cannot
hold back
a smile..

sharing your

to anyone..

without fear

in a world
unlike today

the daily pray

appears to be truely


and fair

it's the world
not yet seen

just a dream

of equality
socially economically

none excluded

among which
you'll find
all the children
without names

mother or fathers

to be yours

as well

to bring up
as were they
birthed by you

only two things matter..
being born being remembered

and to bring life
a new generation

the only task
you must not fail

the second is
to give

life a meaning
a consciousness..

that humans
can share

with daughters and sons

in peace
with earth

the trees and the wolves
your very

how long will it take
to understand..
dear friend

that none of us
can live as
if everything depends
on one's personal


the show is over

all the sand in the glass
has run through

Fri vers av frantic
Läst 242 gånger och applåderad av 5 personer
Publicerad 2010-01-03 19:57

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