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you´ll never find another me

If you are leaving
please close the door

you've had your chance
and won't get anymore

If you are leaving
you will never be free

You´ll never find another me

If you are leaving
I won't make your life nice

how much would you really
wanna sacrifice

I threw a curse on you
You will never be free

you´ll never find another me

You can crawl you can beg
if you give my heart a crack
you can cling to my leg

but I will never ever take you back

If you are leaving
you will never be free

You´ll never find another me

Fri vers av Annica Ström Kvarnström
Läst 298 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2010-08-24 05:28

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  Annica Ström Kvarnström
Tack! =0)

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Annica Ström Kvarnström
Annica Ström Kvarnström