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ursäkta min egensinnliga engelska. Här tar jag åter upp tråden med en gammal idé och texter som jag lagt ut här förr om åren. Förut hann de alltså bli hela fyra stycken och nu har jag lagt ut en femte, till åminnelse.

Die crazy englishe poem 5

My pancakes was spanish
while my drumset gentled slept
theyed wrongly vanish
werefor I suddenly wept

in case of an experience like that
I surely had to buy me
an orange shirt and one blue hat
to go on in and just let me be

a flying saucer pict me up
like a taxi for tourists one night
and tea was served in its cup
so nice, so friendly, so bright

there in heaven on clouds so fine
I yet not lived my second life
it was luxury a living of mine
long from any heavenly wife

like on one nice magic carpet ride
she could not be with me just there
not at all by my side
in that high and soft atmosphere

pancakes are very priceless
with heavy syrup from trees so far away
Canada is a land of no mess
that I can rest in peace say

clockstoppers tried to get high now
but I am just slow in a bow
does not try to get to show
just plain in the rain from above

my cloths get wet but dry in
as soon the sun is shining on me
it’s a real nice crying win
and not a pain on my knee

in New York it should be great
if those boats show up in the rain
but if will be in an eight
I just don’t know here just in vain

Bunden vers (Rim) av lodjuret/seglare VIP
Läst 310 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2010-11-17 10:30

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lodjuret/seglare VIP