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Love into a game?!

When a man and a woman are dating, talking everyday and are officially together, is there any games left to play?!
Does the game just exist before it\'s getting official or does the game continues even when we are one?!
Do we have the game as some kind of saftynet to not be able to get hurt by a person?!
Or are the games we play just necessary to have?!
why can\'t you just be who you are, say who you are and love as you do?!
Why do we keep passing the ball between us in this game?! when we obvious know\'s it\'s just a game that we play...
And not the unpredictable and consuming love to one and eachother?!
why do we stay in the game, are we afraid of might be missing something or are we just afraid of might loose it all over again?!

Or maybee the world has gone crazy and turned love into a game?!

Övriga genrer av Malin Johansson
Läst 567 gånger
Publicerad 2005-12-31 11:22

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