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December 2011: http://ccchampagne.wordpress.com/2011/12/21/merry-christmas-an-acrostic/

Merry Christmas (An Acrostic)

Many believe in higher powers!
Everyone is entitled to their own faith!
Respect should be a key-word, always, of ours!
Reach out to your neighbour regardless of their race!
Yule-tide's greetings and love in every place!

Come hear the words of the heavenly choir
Hear our joyful praise
Retell the story of two thousand years
In Bethlehem it happened on this very day
Son of God, it has been said, or prophet if you may
There, in a manger, a child was born
More than man, more than child, a saviour they say.
A star shone down from heavens up above
Sing, oh joyful masses, spread the Christmas word today!

Det här är min lilla julhälsning i form av en acrostic. Eftersom jag inte är särskilt religiös hoppas jag att jag fått ihop detaljerna rätt.

God Jul, Alla! Sprid kärlek till era grannar och de som är mindre lyckligt lottade under julen!

Fri vers av CC Champagne
Läst 512 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2011-12-21 11:20

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