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16 Januari 2012 written on my snowy hilltop in Råsunda

the secrets of the turtle and the dove

Looking for light
Looking for things hidden out of sight
Finding what just might
set me free tonight

Counting the sparks
I read a dose of your love
like the evening news
as I seek the secrets of the turtle and the dove
my feet start to move

Flowers bloom under the gaze
of the woman tending the pine tree loom
as children play at her feet
creating art and clothes from rags
and tags along the way
She looks up when she hits a snag
and the music starts to play
a spritely tune

What will it take to make my
room living next Saturday afternoon

Counting the sparks
I read a dose of your love
as I seek the secrets of the turtle and the dove

Send me a sign so I'll know I'm in time
conjure it from the fireplace
conjure it from the wine

Counting the sparks
I read a dose of your love
as I seek the secrets and the
blessings of the turtle and the dove

Fri vers av the apache kid VIP
Läst 365 gånger och applåderad av 6 personer
Publicerad 2012-01-16 13:45

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mi piace tanto....kram

  the apache kid VIP
Thank you Lovisa for your enlightening and fascinating comments!

  Lovisa Lindbom
I like it a lot.
My favorite animals are the turtle and Elephant.
It is amazing how many colors and shapes life can exist in.
What do the turtle and the dove really mean to you?
For me the turtle means ancient life that still exist, long life and its shell is formed like a mandala.(buddhism)
The Elephant means luck and too me family.
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the apache kid
the apache kid VIP