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Luciann Poetry

Call me Secret Love
call me Dark Cloud
African Night of Silent Moon.

I never really trusted the light
because of my own lies
my heart was always ready to break.

I fell in love with a dreamer
and I was sleeping.
I became a part of his dream
his secret
nobody would know who I was.

I never really found myself on earth
because of my disapointments
there was no desire for me to find.

Lost and found
desire came with him
he was my lover.

I became his beautiqueen
my landscape was inner dreams
my home, his bed.

Call me Secret Love
call me Dark Cloud
African Night or Silent Moon.

I did not trust myself
and I gave my life to him.
He was a buisnessman
I was sold, his slave

I was simply a girl in his house
he was my master.

Today, I believe in my life
I`m safe and found
I know who I am.

Call me True Love
call my poetry paradis
Nordic Light
or the Speaking Sun.

Fri vers av Luciann Khan
Läst 400 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2012-01-28 18:48

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Luciann Khan
Luciann Khan