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The famous walk of shame


2 pm

The city was colorful
from all the neon lights
and far from asleep
with the soft sounds of music
colliding in every corner

- colliding just like you and me

We both had walked
into the alcoholic fog
several hours earlier
already when the sun played time-keeper
and long before the
gentle rain started to fall
which is now slowly
covering your lips
making them sparkle

- it was impossible not to kiss you

8 am

Time was again
under the watching eye of the sun
and the remnants of the sensual rain,
which brought our bodies close,
had dried and disappeared

- disappeared along with the fog

The passionate hours
of sparkling lips against tender skin
under protection by darkness
has been exchanged by remorse
as I now am struggling to
make my way home,
along the famous
walk of shame

Fri vers av Il poeta della luna
Läst 336 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2012-06-27 09:37

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