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En av mina tidigaste låtar från '83. Bygger på Uppenbarelseboken 22:5.


...and there shall be no night there;
and they need no candle, neihter light of the sun;
for the Lord God giveth them light:
and they shall reign for ever and ever.

And Jesus is the life, here and now.
Can you ever mention how it feels, to trust in him?
And there is no condemnation anymore,
for those who are in the Lord.

I can feel him every hour through his holy power,
that I can understand, where I am,
on my way up, up to heaven.

He is the Lord of Lords, and the king of kings,
glory to the prince of all peace.
I'm kneeling down on my knees, to lift up
all my praise to the Lamb, who gives life to the dead.

...and there shall be no night there;
and they need no candle, neihter light of the sun;
for the Lord God giveth them light:
and they shall reign for ever and ever.

Jesus was a boy born in a town called Bethlehem,
and he became a carpenter when he was a teenager.
Often he went down to the synagogues to listen
what the priests were talking about.

They talked about his father, our God almighty.
And Jesus started to preach about Him and His land.
Jesus did great miracles and healings,
and many people followed Him everywhere, everywhere.

We were a bunch of sinners who didn't belong to
the promised land. But He died for us,
for the blood on the cross sets us free, to be His sheep,
to be His sheep, to be His sheep.
And we are here in the name of Him, Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ.

...and there shall be no night there;
and they need no candle, neihter light of the sun;
for the Lord God giveth them light:
and they shall reign for ever and ever.

Bunden vers (Rim) av Stefan Viljehammar
Läst 179 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2013-03-31 12:34

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Stefan Viljehammar
Stefan Viljehammar