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Hittade långt ner. Har nånstans på känn att den kanske inte är min text men bara aningars. Det kan ju vara nedplitat av mej.


Everything was dark and gloomy when you came my way.
Everything that happened to me seemd as if to say.
There was more to live in than just living day to day.
I could never find my way alone.

There were times when I was searching,
wondering what to do.
Trying to find a new direction, trying to find the truth.

Then you picked me up and changed me,
now I see the light.
I'm so glad I found my way back home.

Sonlight opened up my eyes.
Sonlight cleared the cloudy skies.
Now he's living in my heart.
I'm so glad I foung my way back home.

If there where times when you were searching
wondering what to do,
trying to find a new direction, trying to find the truth.

Give your heart to Jesus,
let him shine his light on you.
Aren't you glad to find your way back home?

Sonlight opened up your eyes.
Sonlight cleared the cloudy skies.
Now he's in your heart to stay.
Aren't you glad you found your way back home?

Bunden vers (Rim) av Stefan Viljehammar
Läst 384 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2013-04-07 09:02

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Stefan Viljehammar
Stefan Viljehammar