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En låt från '85. Skall vara i sista versen med änglakör. Men det blev inte så. Finns på min heminspelade platta ''Twilight Visions''. Spelades in på 4 kanals Tascam. Med endast elgitarr och min röst som försökte låta symfonirock.


The doors that He opened, and I hope He still will.
My life is a mystery that He starts to reveal.
I didn't knew that two hearts could be so strangely one,
and our heavenly Father will not rest until it's all been done.

Our love grows into the deepest parts,
and the darkness comes and throws the firey darts.
And we stand fast in the love that Jesus brings,
and in the skies the whole angelic hoast sings.

They sing: ''It's all by grace thru faith,
and the souverign plan is great.
The finnished work is done,
now you two can be as one.
God is good, oh so good!''

Bunden vers (Rim) av Stefan Viljehammar
Läst 186 gånger
Publicerad 2013-04-14 11:49

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Stefan Viljehammar
Stefan Viljehammar