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Låt från 85. Denhär låten gillar jag. Tog melodin till ett parti i instrumentallåten Origo som inte är inspelad ännu men som jag ofta spelar live. Finns på min heminspelade platta ''Twilight Visions''. Spelades in på 4 kanals Tascam. Med endast elgitarr


Create in me a heart, Lord, that's open to your ways.
That's willing to be dealt with and filled up with holy grace.

Those fleshly thoughts within me will decrease
and fade away.
All of a sudden your words become LIFE
the rest of my days.

Jesus, you make the dusk become dawn.
You turn winter into summer, and bitter water sweet.

Jesus, you make the dusk become dawn.
I will love you're words more than my necessary food.

So often when we struggle we forget the work is all yours.
And whos image we're being confomed to, as we walk thru the doors.

The doors and phases that we're going thru,
a path that is narrow that's pressing on you.
The love which is perfect, force you to go on,
on the way and not be broken in two.

Jesus, you make the dusk become dawn.
You turn winter into summer, and bitter water sweet.

Jesus, you make the dusk become dawn.
I can smell the fragrance of your beauty.
You flourish in me today, everyday.

Bunden vers (Rim) av Stefan Viljehammar
Läst 219 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2013-04-14 11:55

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Stefan Viljehammar
Stefan Viljehammar