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Sång från '85. Den handlar om Guds församling, alltså enheten som finns bland pånyttfödda troende i hela världen. Inte ett samfund utan alla kristna. Finns på min heminspelade platta ''Twilight Visions''.


Have you ever wondered how christians
can have such a joy when it's raining?
Have you ever even tried to figuer out
how they can be so one in the spirit and life?

The angels have tried it since the foundation,
but the body of Christ is a real fascination.
The fellowship of the church is like a garden party.

Cause iron shapeneth iron, no matter what we like or do.
The source of our oneness doesen't come from me or you.
The mystery of the church,
the natural man will never understand.
It's just how God has planned it – it's a garden party.

Have you ever wished that you could have
power over your devastating depression?
(My dirty depression)
But now your only solution would be
sack clothes an ash the rest of my days.

You see, the way of the devil is to get you
discouraged and give you a nervous breakdown.
(To give me a nervous shakedown)
But the covering of the body of Christ
will give you victory over his lies.
(Cheat and disguise)

The devil has tried it since the foundation,
but the body of Christ, for him is frustration.
The fellowship of the saints is like a garden party.

Cause iron shapeneth iron, no matter what we like or do.
The source that we draw from doesen't come from me or you.

Thou we are different, it doesen't matter,
when we gathered together, Christ is our pattern.
We sing'n praise with joy, it is a garden party.

Unfortunately it is a very rare thing
in todays world. La, la, la, la, la,la.
Were joy and peace are shared,
wherof the Word of God is heard and obeyed.

Bunden vers (Rim) av Stefan Viljehammar
Läst 285 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2013-04-15 15:48

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  Federico Romano
Men det är du som sjunger, det visste jag inte, ha det bra..

  Federico Romano
Så det är inte du som har skrivit den, lite smågalen sång..
Allt bra där nere, planer på dra uppåt?
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Stefan Viljehammar
Stefan Viljehammar