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Sång från '85. Texten handlar om hur viktigt det är att känna till hur Gud ser på oss/mej. Finns på min heminspelade platta ''Twilight Visions''. Spelades in på 4 kanals Tascam. Med endast elgitarr och min röst som försökte låta symfonirock.


I sit alone home and I'm tired,
and waiting for my natural man.
And when he knocks on my door,
I know that I'm not following Gods plan.

It's all my fault and I know it,
just sittin' here and feeling sad.
Because to give a provision to the darkness,
will surely not make me glad.

So I'm gonna take my bible out from my bookshelf,
and read the precious, Holy Words.
And see how He looks at me,
that's the only thing that'll quech my thirst.

Yea, yea, yea. Oh, oh, oh.
And I run like a deer to the waterbrooks.
Yea, yea, yea. Oh, oh, oh.
I wanna know my God in this Holy Book.

Stearing out through my window,
the temperature's down 23 (fh).
Why do I have to listen
to my emotional degree?

So I go crawling out to my kitchen
to find something that'll comforts me.
Have a Mountain Dew and Dunkin' Dounut,
but it isn't enough for me.

So I'm gonna take my Bible out from my bookshelf
and read the precious, Holy Words.
And see how He looks at me,
that's the only thing that'll quench my thirst.

Yea, yea, yea. Oh, oh, oh.
And I run like a deer to the waterbrooks.
Yea, yea, yea. Oh, oh, oh.
I wanna know my God in this Holy Book.

So I went out on the streets to soulwin',
somwhere uptown 'round Time Square.
And all the way up from Battery Park to Harlem,
I spread the Gospel everywhere, everywhere,
everywhere, everywhere...

I preached with boldness!
And by the way, can you guess what I did?
I went up to them, and straight in their faces...

I told them to take out their Bibles from their bookshelves,
an read Gods precious Words.
So you can say: ''Hey Jesus is the way.''
That's the only thing that'll quench your thirst.

Yea, yea, yea. Oh, oh, oh.
You'll run like a deer to the waterbrooks.
Yea, yea, yea. Oh, oh, oh.
I wanna know God in this Holy Book.

And you gonna know Christ through this Holy Book.

Bunden vers (Rim) av Stefan Viljehammar
Läst 255 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2013-04-16 11:36

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Stefan Viljehammar
Stefan Viljehammar