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The wounds that be

It is always a temptation to go upon a hike
when the silver road is lined with redemption
Told you I was passing by but like a clever shrike
You pinned me down and you felt the tension

Because the wounds that be will never hold the paint
Like the constrictor's prey or like a martyr saint
I'm frozen in limbo and kept wide awake

My, now, the exit is getting rather small
We should leave now without too much trouble
I pity whoever would trip themselves and fall
Alone they'll retry, the detail's somewhat subtle

But the wounds that be will keep him in that loop
Lonesome and frightened and feeling like a dupe
His tremored technique appears somewhat crude

You feel to me so much like a vivid dream
Although I know that you're probably ice-cold
But reality makes me so much want to scream
I wish they'd release me, out of this vise-hold

But the wounds that be keep scratching forth your face
I remember it all and I'm stuck here in this place
It doesn't matter whatever they say

Patience will heal you, it'll make you go away
A practical joke, a cute little intrigue
But hey I might join them if anything will pay
If I make the jump, and pass by your critique

But the wounds that be still hold me to the ground
You could've helped me, had neither of us drowned
on our way to Nirvana by tao

And now the wounds that be have seized control of me
I'm punching a wall and pretending I'm free
From ancient chains in the depth of the sea

Fri vers av L. C. Nielsen
Läst 242 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2013-05-14 21:55

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L. C. Nielsen
L. C. Nielsen