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Solregn, rain in sun, caught by my camera through my window, just seconds before the battery in the camera went off..:) otherwise I might have had a better photo perhaps.. or maybe one of the rainbow. But you can imagine..:)



She is leaving, playing all her cards at once.
Rain and thunder. Sun and rainbow. Crescendo..!
That is what she showed for me and let me taking part of. Biking by the Vänersea on this warm afternoon, cloudy and dull at that moment. Suddenly her heaven opened, letting the most comfortable showering rain pouring down on trees ground sea and me. Hard the drops fell on my head, well that was a rather nice massage..! My summer shorts went soaking wet, legs of mine where shining through. Thunder sounded, surprisingly, too, but I never saw a flash. Dripping hair and dripping shoes, as I returned on floating streets. I took my clothing off, to let them dry. And suddenly, her sunbeams lighted up the room, and through my windows I could now see, rain glittering in the Sun..! I went out to catch my laundry, down in the cellar at my backyard and...There it was..all over the sky..the brightest rainbow I ever saw. Like a bridge from west to east, marvellous.. Crescendo..! Lovely goodbye.

Hugs to her, and kisses too. We will never meet again, August, summer 2013. I was so lucky to experience the life with her. Thankfully bowing my head and bending my knees, and stretching my arm out waving my hand, with a smile on my face and happy feelings inside from the beauty she showed this last day
Now she is released



 Emca 2013-08-31



Se även så gärna.. (klickbara)

Maj lättar

~ Juni ljuva~ 


 samma dikt som ovan, men i annan form..




She is leaving
playing all her cards at once.
Rain and thunder. Sun and rainbow.
That is what she showed for me
and let me taking part of.
Biking by the Vänersea
on this warm afternoon,
cloudy and dull at that moment.
Suddenly her heaven opened,
letting the most comfortable showering rain
pouring down on trees ground sea and me.
Hard the drops fell on my head,
well that was a rather nice massage..!
My summer shorts went soaking wet,
legs of mine where shining through.
Thunder sounded, surprisingly, too,
but I never saw a flash.
Dripping hair and dripping shoes,
as I returned on floating streets.
I took my clothing off, to let them dry.
And suddenly, her sunbeams
lighted up the room,
and through my windows
I could now see,
rain glittering in the Sun..!
I went out to catch my laundry,
down in the cellar at my backyard and...
There it was..all over the sky..!
the brightest rainbow I ever saw.
Like a bridge from west to east, marvellous it was..
Lovely goodbye. 

Hugs to her, and kisses too.
We will never meet again,
August, summer 2013.
I was so lucky to experience
the life with her.
Thankfully bowing my head
and bending my knees,
and stretching my arm out
waving my hand,
with a smile on my face
and happy feelings inside
from the beauty
she showed this last day

Now she is released 



Fri vers av Eva Akinvall (emca~vargkvinnan)
Läst 844 gånger och applåderad av 9 personer
Publicerad 2013-08-31 18:01

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  Bibbi VIP

Wonderful to read about the fading summer
but still alive
Far to early to say goodbye
Warmest September nights still to come



Marvellous !!

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Eva Akinvall (emca~vargkvinnan)
Eva Akinvall (emca~vargkvinnan)