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dreams tell you more about yourself than you know

I had this dream,
she was beautiful 
I heard a scream,
she was bleeding out on the floor
I shouldn’t be surprised by this, when everyone in my dreams tend to die
No,I shouldn’t be surprised at all
when she’s choking on her own blood
her eyes unseeing
her skin bone white 
no more feelings
no more joy

I had this dream and now she’s dead
my stressed out mind’s playing games my heart’s a sobbing mess
I don’t know hon
but of course I do
It will never end
It’s an endless loop
a memory of something I never can amend


© 2013

Fri vers (Fri form) av Celticgirl
Läst 349 gånger och applåderad av 9 personer
Publicerad 2013-09-17 13:29

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