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Thunder, thunder

Thunder, thunder, speak to me
and tell me who I am tonight
Dazzle me and purge my sight
Then cut the blinds and let me see

Thunder, thunder, hand of Jove
Lofty in your wrath divine
Shining like this dream of mine
of lines and gates and laughter true

Thunder, thunder, tell me now
who I can be, what I can know
and this day I beg you, show
the way to walk, and tell me how

Thunder, thunder, please remind
of virtues and of pleasures lost
The touch of lips in days of frost
And let me free from things behind

Thunder, thunder, so I pray
to stars and moon that anyone
will stay with me when all is done
and hold me in a broken day

Fri vers av L. C. Nielsen
Läst 289 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2013-10-20 22:13

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L. C. Nielsen
L. C. Nielsen