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Foto av min himmel 27 november 2013. Mobilfoto.

The Painter

Colours brushed by hand

of unknown command

It is hard to believe

that nature such by itself can conceive


Oh how lovely the sky may shine

in bright shades of orange and wine

It lifts me up while the sun gets down

so many times over and over again


And there in the morning

in the midst of my yawning

My eyes catch the sight of the moon

up on the blue canopy and soon

there is like someone is pouring out paint

in soft light blue and violet pale

just above the horizon

in such beautiful combinations



 Copyright©2014  Eva Akinvall

Bunden vers av Eva Akinvall (emca~vargkvinnan)
Läst 652 gånger och applåderad av 10 personer
Publicerad 2013-11-29 10:42

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  BenGust VIP
In the midst of my yawning.
Sådana melodiskt klingande passager
får den att skimra.

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Eva Akinvall (emca~vargkvinnan)
Eva Akinvall (emca~vargkvinnan)