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I want a woman

I want a woman with eyes that could glisten.
I want a woman, I want a woman with hair so fair.
I want a woman, when she sings I would listen,
And when she sings its like an angel is there.
I want a woman with lips that are tender
Lips that are tender and filled of blood
I want a woman that makes my hart surrender
I want the woman that was sent by God.

I want a woman to hold when I'm sleeping
I want a woman, I want a woman to breath beside
I want a woman to caress when she's weeping
And my arms provide a shelter to hide
I want a woman to share all my sorrows
I want a woman that could share hers too
-I want a woman, when I wake up tomorrow
When I wake up tomorrow I would only want you

I want a woman to share all the laughter
I want a woman, I want a woman for happiness
I want woman where there isn't any after
and getting more of her is nothing but too less
I want a woman fun and interesting
And I want my woman to find me also as such
My eyes and my body on my woman would be resting
Asking for such a woman won't be asking for to much

I want a woman with eyes that could glisten.
I want a woman, I want a woman with hair so fair.
I want a woman, when she sings I would listen,
And when she sings its like an angel is there.

Bunden vers av Knickedick
Läst 379 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2014-01-16 17:42

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