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A broken bliss

Empty souls surround me now
Can't see your eye
Your love of gold
Can you feel me - now

I 'm lost
I'm alone
a stone
Surrounded by black
It's so cold - so cold
Come take my hand

So small, with tiny arms
Your soul - so heavy
Full of life
Full of stones
I must let you go

Empty souls surrounds me now
Can't see your eye
Your love of gold
Can you feel me - now

I 'm lost
I'm alone
A stone
Surrounded by black
It's so cold - so cold
Come take my hand

I still taste your mouth
Your breath on my tongue
The breath of love
That covers me
And fill my lung

A last breath
A last thought
A last kiss

...a broken bliss

© georgmoller.se

Fri vers (Fri form) av Georg Möller
Läst 225 gånger och applåderad av 6 personer
Publicerad 2014-03-05 01:03

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Georg Möller
Georg Möller