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Hush little one darkness of night is waiting
Time for light to got to sleep, close their eyes and try to dream

Time for the night-man to walk, time for night to rule

In the line between night and day I stand, I don't answer to the sun of the day, not the moon and the stars
Nothing is in this line, nothing and all things

In the waiting of my decision in where I shall be
I say to you my little one, hush hush is time to sleep

For my-self I will be waiting standing with you little one, waiting by your side
If you feel torment, if you feel alone in your sleep, look at your night-stand
I left my dreams there in a silver-dome just for you

I will never leave you, I will always be right here by your side, in one way or an other

Fri vers av byggpoeten
Läst 355 gånger och applåderad av 4 personer
Publicerad 2014-05-10 20:25

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