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On his suffering deathbed a silent whisper reach his ears
It says to him
"you have not worship me"
"You have not live your life righteous"
"Now look at you, you are broken, soon you will be banished to oblivion, no one will ever remember your name"
"You are not welcome, you are not worthy"

O powerful scream from the world roar in the suffering ones head
"You are the strongest that ever will be"
"Your honestly and your love for the things that are right for you, make you wise, make you right"
"You are a model for everyone that strive to have a complete life"
"You love yourself, and made the best of your life"
"Therefore you are welcome, therefore you are worthy"

Fri vers av byggpoeten
Läst 179 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2014-05-16 21:34

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  Ewa-Britt Nilson VIP
Ja har man
kämpat på då
av egen kraft
och styrka då
vore det väl
sjutton om inte
skulle vara
värt något då...
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