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An old man told me to read books to find my knowledge, I did so
When I had read every book I could find I didn't know anything more than before

I listen to old and wise men, remember every word that they sad, I did so to find my wisdom
When I had listen to all the wise men, I didn't know anything more than before
I have seek knowledge in every place known to man, I didn't find what I have looking for

A soft voice from a innocent child told me I have looked wrong
The child told me that the knowledge I been looking for couldn't be find in the voice of man, couldn't be find in the writing of anyone
It told me of the secret of the world, where I can find my knowledge

It can only be found in the wind that blows in trees, in the birds song, and in the howl of the wolfs

Fri vers av byggpoeten
Läst 107 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2014-05-20 20:07

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