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Never is never

Never is never
Never together
Never together
Be with you
Always will be trying
But always be denying
Always will deny
The dream of you
The new world that im shaping
Escaping just escaping
Escaping and erasing
All that was
Not to remember
Not to remember
Once that I have dreamt of
Both of us
Forgetting all the grieving
Forgetting all the feelings
Getting the relieving
Just because
Never is never
Never together
Never together
Be with you

Emptying my mind
Nowhere I can find
Nowhere I can find
The time we spent
After just some time
After just some time
After just some time
Some time it went
Burried deep inside
Where it saftely can hide
Saftely can hide
Away from light
But how ever much I tried
How ever much I tried
Still that I have cried
For days and nights
The crying that is mending
What I dont understanding
What I thought was meant
Was never meant
Emptying my mind
Nowhere I can find
Nowhere I can find
The time we spent

Never is never
Until eternity forever
Eternity forever
After that
We could still be meeting
A woman I'll be greeting
A woman that I thought
I never met
But my inside is awaken
Feeling as I'm shaken
Feeling that I'm taken
to a place
I forgotten but I couldn't
I forgotten but I wouldn't
I could not forget
And angels face
My tear drops would be raining
The memory remaining
the memory remaining
Faint but yet
Never is never
eternity forever
Eternity forever
After that

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av Knickedick
Läst 225 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2014-06-19 10:01

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