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Image : Leaving Acrylic on canvas


I died right in front of you
when you held me in your arms

And with every word of love
I whispered in your ear as good bye

The light got brighter and brighter

With each and every one of your tears dripping on my chest i felt bliss

That I finally found you

It was you that caused my metaphysical homesickness all along

You were the hole in my heart screaming for the homecoming of death

The missing pieces of puzzle
completing the center of my soul.

Your face now entangled in the light here to absolve me.
Nothing during all my years has been as beautiful.

My life refuses to pass before my eyes
Because my eyes are now staring at it

Who knew that irony could be this Sweet?

As sweet as the residues of salt on my chest, left there by the markers of your despair as you see me fade away.

As I now travel a long the light I see you crying, despereately massaging my heart

Wanting me to stay for our old days to die with me by the sea hand in hand and together go home with the sunset.

I now scream to you that I will find you again.

That no matter how many life times it takes we will meet in corporal form again.

That there is one universe out there all for us, where our final journey will have its place.

" I love you beyond all there is, all that were and all that will be"

The light is now so bright that
even though all my life been a fight
with fleety moments of happiness.
I knew I lived a happy life

My last moment of it with you
the only moment that matters

The moment I take with me to eternity

The moment that finally define me

- By Jonas S Lundström

Art and Poem "Leaving"
Acrylic on canvas 2014-07-30

My art and poetry:

Fri vers av Jonas S. Lundström
Läst 218 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2014-07-31 20:17

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Jonas S. Lundström
Jonas S. Lundström