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AntiWar! I audio läser jag dikten i ASMR stil, genom att viska… In audio, I read the poem in ASMR style, by whispering ...

Mourning parents


War without End

1 day,
stand by me.
2 day,
Stand by me.

What I am
from a great distance meets me
I’m transparent.

Entropy needs its tribute
planes are like spiders
ships abounded
all people on deck!

Churches are empty
longing for power.

Politician are marching in the dark

The history writes sentences without meaning

To understand E=mc2 doesn’t help

Who knows what’s really happens on the world’s stage

Napoleon is a shadow now
new persons are appearing

Many friends are moving out of the light

What is the meaning with that?

I can see as you see

Nightmare dreams came in at evening
and don’t leave in the early morning

Pink eyes and metal music

Year after year
all these ellipse of alarms

Thorns of sorrow
up to the sky, growing
Stand by me!

No echoes or letters from Livia

The skimmer of the rising wave
mirrored in my soul

Why are we riding on the ship of fools?

Compassion properly hidden

Who is it
who are looking for the soul to kill?

Somebody said:
Red Cross boat, Mediterranean
it sunk
only few survived

No letter, only old pictures

You see
there is a war going on!

The bitter darkness drives us away
like an icy river

I must into daylight again
What history will decide?

I’m afraid of words as of madness
what or who is my enemy?

This is my hand
all feels like fear
because there is no more space than space.

I’m counting the slow heart beats…

Fri vers (Fri form) av ERD-man-SKY VIP
Läst 420 gånger och applåderad av 4 personer
Publicerad 2014-09-18 00:32

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