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Capitalism - The greatest religion of all time

It seems to me that money is the greatest religion of all there is, and it hides behind the other ones, and use them for it's own purpose. The name of the god is Mammon. Why is that? The answer is that money is the key to everyone's happiness and salvation, and it's built upon a system of belief. It begun a long time ago, even Jesus talked about the money masters and he threw them out of the temple. It was the only time that he used force. It is written in the Bible, [Matthew 21:12-13]. Since then has the creation of money been in the hands of the few, i.e in private hands. As far as I understand, it means that democracy doesn't work, because the ones who's in charge of the money, controls the politics, instead of the other way around, as it should be. And after the influence of Adam Smith's classic works: The Wealth of Nations [1776] which is considered his magnum opus, and it's the first modern work of economics, the road leads to laissez-faire, ["to let, to leave"] and the loathsome capitalism we see today. Smith is cited as the "father of modern economics" and is still among the most influential thinkers in that field today. We can almost call him the prophet of this religion, called capitalism. At least one of them - the most important. What's more of this fairytale is that the central banks lend money to the nation, when they could create them by themselves. And the other private banks don't have the money they lend, instead they create them out of thin air, ex nihilo. And that's one of the most fantastic parts of this myth, it's like walking on water, and I consider it's ludicrous that we don't question such a thing. Every time they lend out money, i.e credit, because it is not real money, it's a big difference between cash and credit, cash is money, and credit is just debt, they make nine times more themselves. It's called fractional reserve banking. Usually it's only central banks who has statutory monopoly on the issue of banknotes and coins like for example the Swedish Riksbank has since 1904.

Today's temple have names like NASDAQ, or names that end on 'exchange', we call it the stock-market. It's quite a complicated architecture, you can study the hieroglyphs of Dow Jones, but it's hard to learn how to interpret them if your not a member of their bible school. The tower of Babel is capitalism with its trade in the “bodies and souls of men” for commerce and profit [Revelation 18:13] and it's the golden kalk that makes people crazy [Jeremiah 51:7] and that's why we don't even see it anymore, but I would like to point it out for you: Bank for International Settlements, also called BIS, based in Basel, Swiss. It's the central banks 'central bank' and it has sixty members, i.e dominating sixty countries. It's like Stato della Città del Vaticano [Vatican city state], a labyrinth of power in this religion. "The BIS was originally intended to facilitate reparations imposed on Germany by the Treaty of Versailles after World War I. The need to establish a dedicated institution for this purpose was suggested in 1929 by the Young Committee, and was agreed to in August of that year at a conference at The Hague. A charter for the bank was drafted at the International Bankers Conference at Baden Baden in November, and its charter was adopted at a second Hague Conference on January 20, 1930. According to the charter, shares in the bank could be held by individuals and non-governmental entities. The BIS was constituted as having corporate existence in Switzerland on the basis of an agreement with Switzerland acting as headquarters state for the bank." [Wikipedia] Totally without transparency, and furthermore, this structure of power enjoys immunity in all the contracting states. Do I need to point out that this is a moral resolution of big proportions? But they hide it behind a an arrogance that leads us to believe that they deserve this abundance, that they made right for it, so it's not so easy for us to se. “Come, let us build for ourselves a tower. . .”. “Lest we be scattered over the face of the earth,” “Come, let us go down and mix up their languages”. They play tricks on us. One time was in December 1913, the day before Christmas when congress of the United States voted for the Federal Reserve Act and The Act was signed into law by President Woodrow Wilson. FED is a private bank, the name is just deceptive, and that's what they were aiming for. Alan Greenspan, born 1926, served as chairman between 1987 - 2006. Let me cite him: “I know you think you understand what you thought I said but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant”. It seems to me that he worked for The Tower Of Babel, i.e BIS.

Max Weber [1864 - 1920] was a German sociologist, economist and philosopher who considered to be the co-founder of the social sciences, sociology along with Karl Marx, Vilfredo Pareto and Emile Durkheim. Weber wrote Die protestantische Ethik und der Geist des Kapitalismus [The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism]. In 1998 the International Sociological Association listed this work as the fourth most important sociological book of the 20th century. In this work he wrote that capitalism in Northern Europe evolved together with the Protestant, particularly Calvinist, work ethics who seemed to be an important force behind the unplanned and uncoordinated emergence of modern capitalism. This idea is also known as the "Protestant Ethic thesis". It's not a new thought that the essence of religion is a moral compass, a guidance in life, and smart bloodsucking people in the top of the food chain know how to use this.

Capitalism makes you a slave, and a victim of circumstances that you may find impossible to change, like a belief in a higher destiny that puts you humble as you are, right where you belong - flat on the ground. Looking for grace.

Övriga genrer (Pastisch/Hommage) av KattenKin VIP
Läst 568 gånger och applåderad av 20 personer
Publicerad 2015-02-10 09:45

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  Staffan Nilsson
Att stater lånar ut låtsaspengar och lånar in låtsaspengar är ett gigantiskt hasardspel. Om någon synar så rasar allt.

    ej medlem längre
Ja, så länge de tror att något är bra så får det liv.

    Jane S VIP
Behöver sägas om och om igen: Ekonomismen är vår religion, Mammon vår gud. Människan en vara. Själen ett ont.
"Konkurrens till döds " som en av Michael Hoellbeques böcker heter. Kulturen är inte fri den heller. Alla våra tankar påverkas, vår självuppfattning, våra relationer. Tyvärr.


  Notarius publicus:Sten Wiking VIP
Plutokrati !

  Anya VIP
Oj vad jag önskar att jag fixade det här med engelskan...men jag gör inte det. Tyvärr. läser en annan text av dig i stället.

    Elisabeth Nilsson VIP
För det första, fantastisk text på bra engelska! Och budskapet ännu bättre. Money rules in this World.

  Notarius publicus:Sten Wiking VIP
It seems too me that you are very invald in that system of ekonomic experience,but safe in your own reality too what became real and false in human touch....

    ej medlem längre
the touch u are running the text!
and I agree..without any remarkale
failure..you let it go to shore..Kram

    ej medlem längre
Mycket bra skrivet!

  Nanna X
bra argumenterat och väl skrivet. mycket att smälta, jag får läsa igen.

  Lars Hedlin
Strongly written.....And its true!
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KattenKin VIP