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Ghazal VII


oarage, the swirling motion now
enter the bloodstreams     darkness

servitude is a vibrance, as if taste


the hand finds the gunwale, they
exchange their shadows


unlit lighthouse circumnavigated
black vessels, every lantern hooded


as if things set aside, as if sleep
as if the blood of angels on your door


the bowl emptied, the brittle pitcher filled
hands like smoke, dissolve


the flood-water blue, environing
unbornness, in the offing cast


bone, turquoise gleaming sheets of crystal
spread over the cave floor


sentences, depressed within this wall
your back held to it


hands move in unison
a separating motion, color without light


jealous fire rises from the crutches
men, men; lying, stooping


do you walk across the floorboards
using your left foot or the other?


of this you are certain?

Bunden vers (Annat versmått) av Tomas Söderlund
Läst 268 gånger och applåderad av 7 personer
Publicerad 2015-03-23 00:50

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Tomas Söderlund
Tomas Söderlund