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The blood, running, silently along my arms
The knife, murderer, the bane of sanity
Forgotten in a corner
Cold, black steel of loneliness

The I, weak, perpetuator of broken dreams
Embraced by despair
Angst, lies, in an ever flowing trail of thoughts
A vision painted in blood

Life, emptiness, isolation
Spring of fire, consume my mind
Obliterate the fragile soul
Killing yourself to live

The fear, the pain, the dead
The eternal dying of living;
Burnt. Hallowed

Cold, black tears...

They wrenched me away, beloved
Into grey skies and endless seas
Whispering, the coarse voice of a dying man
“To infinity and beyond”

Blood, scars, insanity
The true identity of the world
The truth of the black eyes I gaze upon
The truth of the abyss where my body is put to rest...

Fri vers (Fri form) av Son of Hades
Läst 262 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2015-06-05 20:17

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  Elisabeth H
Ouch! Intensiv och makalöst vacker. Väcker en stark känsla av sorg och förtvivlan i maggropen.
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Son of Hades