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free falling fireflies

even when he's not there
I can feel him embracing my heart
caressing my senses
and kissing my eyes full of daylight

and the fireflies free falling in the dewy air
- remains of my unwavering heart -
gather speed and make me long to feel his scent
tincturing my pores
and easing my breathing

tears forming on our skins
to ensure that once close enough
we stick together

he is the person I'd rather do nothing with
he is the person I'd rather argue with

But what it is
I cannot say

Fri vers av Litage
Läst 364 gånger och applåderad av 6 personer
Publicerad 2015-08-03 12:35

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  Lars Hedlin
Bra och fint!

  Ed Martini

I love it, so beautiful
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