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Too late




Mistakes, mistakes, mistakes...


Låt mig dansa hela natten, låt all dimma svepa runt mig. Let the beat give me new blood in my veins. 


Ive have been good to you, but it was not enough... I go on, yes you can try to get me back, but sorry...you not!


Jag är en kvinna som gör mycket för min man och lite till. But yes, look in the corner of your eyes...maybe shes beautiful one night, but next days you miss me. She gave you pleasure 1o minutes, you feel bad... and?  Fuck you!


Jag gav dig himmelriket, du fick andnöd av njutning, pfffuufff


I gave you all and you gave me all, i thought....other women are always in the corner of your eyes. But only 10 minutes, then you want to come back...


But you not get it, i want all or... nothing....


Iam not young, iam not stupid, i gave you all and now you cant come back, yes you can cry... but i cried when you came home with next womens parfume on your body...













Fri vers av genni VIP
Läst 345 gånger och applåderad av 6 personer
Publicerad 2016-03-20 22:54

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Det skapar viss spänst att blanda språk som du gör. Huvudbudskapet, som jag ser det, är allt eller inget när det gäller kärlek. Visst bör det vara så!
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genni VIP