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-det är dags för en ny narrative -to see - winter ;)

”Reboot Your Computer”


This dark winter night

-is a reflection of my soul,

no magic,

-it will never be free.


The desire is blossoming

-for a beautiful daybreak,

the Earth lies heavy

-under my feet.


The past is gone

-the colourfulness of youth,

what reminds of bliss

-a silent heart?


Near by me

-the cold winter sea,

waves, waves

-are dancing.


Most of sand castles

-have melted?,

I can’t see them

-even the mist is gone.



-I turn my eyes,

to the forest

-yes, right there.



I can hear footsteps

-someone is coming,


the world must be more

-than I can see…


I must reboot my computer…  ;)

Fri vers (Fri form) av ERD-man-SKY VIP
Läst 568 gånger och applåderad av 6 personer
Publicerad 2016-11-18 00:13

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