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pieces to my puzzle has been gone with the wind/

no more excuses cant hold it in the war whit in/

the storm that kills with mad bombing skills a vandal for real/

no longer a kid stronger now so stop just chill/

find the pieces to your puzzle and stop your false ego/

I wanna have kids be your husband and just feel good/

live of my music but I´m not doing it for the money/

no it´s my mission to change things so hold my darling/

when the world is cold you´re the last piece of my puzzle/

i love you so don´t longer need to sale weed and hustle/

let´s make the beast suffer David vs Goliath/

yeah let´s throw the stone and put Babylon on fire/

start a fucking riot the lions will win the war and/

and lead us to freedom like William Wallace/

put your brave heart in the puzzle all real freedom fighters/

free your mind let´s love one another and see in colors/

sisters and brothers <3

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av Sebastian A.K Hagman Sundström Lejonsjäl
Läst 274 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2017-04-16 13:40

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Sebastian A.K Hagman Sundström Lejonsjäl
Sebastian A.K Hagman Sundström Lejonsjäl