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”Eschatology of Hope”

-Sappho –

”I whish,

I could see the dew

on the lotus bank of Archeon...”


-we can not explain

all beauty of this world,

our brains and minds

are not enough,

these 10 dimensions – we do not remember,

the absolute beauty of Garden of Eden.


The pre-universe is gone now,

do you know what Planck time is,

the CalabiYau manifold is?


is, is , is ? ha ha


-ye, all this is a old story,

after the Edenic Age

one dimension after other

was imprisoned

from the macroscopic

into the microscopic,

and now, here we are  ;)

living in a pond of only the 3 dimensional Universe.


Can we reverse the time

and return to the time of Edenic Age?


 -who knows?

-you, me or maybe the Universe itself?

-who knows?



we must to try to undergo

some kind of nice transition,

our civilisation,

we too…


You know,

I like desolated places,

time, life is not the distraction there,

I can breathe, there…


O, indeed,

there is nothing glorious

in our human civilisation…


- but we have our wonderful moments

now and then…


Moment after moment

is passing by,

we can nothing more

than to surrender us to the time,

do not resist the waves of ages,

and we can allow the sun to pierce the human heart.


Time is the cruelest force of all!


We and our civilization will disappear

like whisper in the wind,

and the Universe shall preserve

only the echo of the human love...




Fri vers (Fri form) av ERD-man-SKY VIP
Läst 731 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2017-07-10 00:04

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