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In the morning some of us are dancing in the shadows
Remembering the stars, that was here just moments ago
We are living in the last dark place, a place not for everyone

Night or day, we are living in the darkness
Some of us, not all

We are looking at the dancing and singeing of they other of us
We are smiling and flying, free from the light

From the dreamful light of the stars and the sleeping brightness of the moon
All enchanted creature is here, to have its free breath in its soul

Angels are dancing slow with demons
Dragons hangs out with knights

The darks spots of the world
Is the last place that’s is free

Free from patronizing eyes
Free from differences
Free from religions and fairytales

In this place, the shadows from the sun
In this place, under the sleeping moon and dreaming stars

You can see a devil dance

You decide if its your devil or mine
You decide if you will be free and join the dance

Fri vers av byggpoeten
Läst 202 gånger
Publicerad 2018-04-06 23:26

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