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Engelska, livet med Borderline, depression, sorg, hopplöshet


I’m broken
Like a bird without its wings
I fell to the ground and can’t get up

I’m longing for the freedom I once had
Now all I do is to look up at the sky
Wishing to once again be able to fly

My soul is bleeding
My body is aching

I don’t belong on the ground
I can’t be here forever
I need my wings

Can someone mend my broken wings?
And let me fly free once again
Until that day I will try my best to live like this

But I will always look up at the sky
The blue endless sky
Where there’s freedom

Fri vers (Fri form) av LonelyDreamer
Läst 343 gånger och applåderad av 4 personer
Publicerad 2018-08-06 01:08

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