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Some reflections on the dramatic changes of the Climate. The commas in "The Sky, is, the limit", is my addition.

The Sky is.

That Global Warming is a reality has become all
the more apparent over the last decades.
Extreme weather conditions, such as heatwaves,
melting glaciers, floods and regional peaks in
temperatures have accentuated these facts.

The good news are that, not only are fossil-
free techniques developed and introduced all
over the World; also, there seems to be a
paradigmatic shift, a growing awareness, that,
hopefully, will release an exponential effort to
come to terms with this existential threat to
our human community.

I´m confident in that we will succeed;
the human capacity to handle severe
and acute conditions, are, no less than
formidable; and, facing these dramatically
changing climate conditions, we know,
in its deepest sense, that, "the Sky, is,
the limit".

As an individual, as a Swedish citizen,
as citizen of the European Community,
and, as a citizen of the World Community,
I´m part of that effort.

Övriga genrer av Olof Lagerhorn VIP
Läst 303 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2018-08-21 13:52

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  Marita Ohlquist VIP
Nu behövs det starka krafter för att stoppa uppvärmningseffekterna!
Vi bär framtiden i våra händer till kommande generationer, måste hålla varsamt.
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Olof Lagerhorn
Olof Lagerhorn VIP