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Detta var ett försökt till att skriva en låttext i hårdrocksstil. Blev väl inte riktigt som jag hade tänkt, men förmedlar ändå plågan jag var ute efter.

A song of pain and revenge

in the night I lay
sleepless and dull
the bed sticky and warm
all dreams to haunt my sleep
in the night I dream of darkness
at the end of nothing I stand
the edge of the abyss I roam
here is my home, here is my place
all alone
all the days of my life
full of pain and regret
the darkness in the eyes that I meet
pains in my heart
words never of joy
at the end of nothing I stand
the edge of the abyss I roam
here is my home, here is my place
hidden within
morning of restlessness
nothing more to regret
fire to it all and nothing to save
let the blood run and my spirit finally find
the touch of another heart
at the end of nothing I stand
the edge of the abyss I roam
here is my home, here is my place
finally at rest
in my death

Fri vers (Fri form) av Sven Borrie VIP
Läst 171 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2019-01-21 14:08

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Sven Borrie
Sven Borrie VIP