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The forests are burning

The forests are burning
the lungs of our planet
the seas are dying
and fascism is living
the dark is darker
and on Iceland
they mourn a glacier

The amazon is burning
because a man saw profit
and not life
he does not care about the future
he cares about money
so many scared men
with dreams of death

The jungle is burning
the lungs
the airways of our planet
is hyperventilating
and a young girl
sail across the sea

The jungle is burning
and our hearts are chilled
by hopelessness
by fear
by lack of touch

The jungle is burning
but I still love
I still long
I still feel
We are flickering lights
in the darkness
our hearts beat in time
with the choking forest

Is it an act of rebellion
to love?
To gather, to touch, to live
to meet our eyes and say: We are alive
We are here
and between our hands
are flames

The jungle is burning
but I still want your touch
your love
your laughter
our days are numbered
so let me touch you
let me love you

The forest is burning

Fri vers (Fri form) av Patrik Orion Sten
Läst 203 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2019-08-21 17:25

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Patrik Orion Sten
Patrik Orion Sten