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Our Church

"The Cantos" 3


There is a church on our island

the ringing of the church bells

I like to hear

the sky's be so blue


At evening

the priest use to turn light on

in the church

sometimes, in there

we can here sea waves singing

out there

and we like to sing

the same psalms which we like


we can feel

peace giving connection with the past

other people


While going home

we can see, the church building again

from the outside - too

so beautiful it is

yes, churches were build for prayers


"Let the children come to me, do not stop them; for it is to such of these that the kingdom of God belongs.."  (Mark 10:14 -15)



I look happy out to the sundown

and I do not like to cover my eyes...

Fri vers (Fri form) av ERD-man-SKY VIP
Läst 339 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2019-09-22 00:10

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