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make soup out of this raised fist

we'll im just a service
we're all robots in a shop
wipe that bitter on my face yeah
get my wires crossed

should wear a bib to work
like kräftkalasen
scoop up the anger juice
running down my neck
my lips keep talking
venom drink
make soup out of this raised fist
boiled potatoes and spliff
drink litmus test drip
from polar cap melt yes
zeitgeist therapy
i'll get my kicks
watching russians
and ships
absolute bottom
somewhere out of reach
out there on the internets
reading about
meanings of life, all dripping down
my neck, still burns
last night's fake kiss
universe kept forgetting
about us, big rips
or big bounce
we all survived big bang
but seem to miss it

there'll be a t-shirt for it
one day


meanings of life
come dripping down
learning all there is
to come the whole thing round
same values as a sixteen year old kid
on cheap vodka and pop rocks
and every backyard
is a dancefloor
get that sweat on
dripping down necks
i tatooed her face on my
midnight breath
and went to sleep
cured of anguish

Fri vers av Love Död
Läst 235 gånger och applåderad av 5 personer
Publicerad 2019-12-30 00:22

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Love Död
Love Död