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I published this poem here on Poeter.se for the first time 22th of January, 2011. In this post I have turned it into more of a prose-poem. My own drawing.

Make and Do.

Living as they were, Make and Do, if not in perfect harmony
their ambivalence though, were by far of a kind more fruitful than of battles hard, eager to twist, then win, your precious mind.

Seemingly disguised in this perpetual design they made their living by labor hard and quotas to fill, in my ruff and tiny most perplexing and puzzling mill.

Then one day, I think about a fortnight since, quite suddenly, yes, in an instant, it came to me almost as a fix idea that I was losing ground, that I had fallen far behind, and so planted, it just kept growing in my mind.

And then, when I could no longer stand the fear, a message
was sent at once where I made it perfectly clear, that the
present condition of my career, the debris of that imaginary
flight was due to the want of wings and workable gears;
yes, my to foremen, Make and Do, had to receive that
message, so harsh and deeply unfair.

And when they came I said it plain I said it straight and filled with wonder they listened, those honorable two;
"I do not deny the great job you do, both of you, but it kind
of confuses me that you both each one of you, has to run back and forth to guide and bring together, yes to make
comfortable with each other, all those lost and lonesome
words; so it´s obvious to me, Make and Do, the same job
you do, I´m so sorry, but one of you have to go."

A few seconds passed, then:
What do you make of this, said Do.
I do not know, said Make.
-has he gone nuts?
-oh no, just wants to make a few more bucks.

When I finally opened my yeys, closed and locked by shame, they are gone; of make and Do my truthful friends, no trace, not even a guiding sign. Just one of them had to leave, the other one could have stayed behind; dwelling in the abundance of work and some extra space, now twice the previous size; and they stayed all right, though together.

Suddenly the screen went dark, the light was gone, and a
silence fell of such magnitude and spellbound length that it
only equals when the time spent waiting for your loved one
sneaks away, leaving you to fumble with stars, pendulum and tides, so astray and all alone.

And a nothingness was all around, it surrounded me even
looked at me; I was the nothingness, the nothingness and I
was one;
for how long?

a word!
Spreading all over
the screen coming towards me
like a long lost friend.

More words:
"With a speed equal to the one you drum us up at the break
of day, and our light conquers your dark and silent screen,
so fast will Make and Do be back despite their honors weight if you are humble and strong and beg and bid them back; and we will be there too, not to serve, but for a good days work; at your side."

And we do deserve one or two, yes, quite a few, bonds, even
stocks, in you calattering word-processing mill; some respect, and then, a fair and desent monthly pay.

Sincerely, the Words

In some strange and wondrous way, they must have read my pleading thoughts: "Make and Do, please come back, I do beg you I will make everything all right.

And back they are and things seem to be quite as they were
still, my love and respect, the way I embrace them, have so
utterly changed.

So take my advice, read my words, with folks like Make and Do, make friends, do not turn them into foes; cause´times might come when days are low, then, they will be there, to guide and help you handle, that deep vibrating bow.

Fri vers (Prosapoesi) av Olof Lagerhorn VIP
Läst 276 gånger och applåderad av 5 personer
Publicerad 2020-02-27 15:19

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Olof Lagerhorn
Olof Lagerhorn VIP