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Gammal men bra text. OBS är ni Känsliga så läs inte skiten.

Gammalt Mörker

As i sit alone in my apartment this evening beside the Park,
i think about my own future in a world that have grown soo evil and Dark,
Im soo alone and they avoid me...like people in water when they see a Shark,
soo much things that confuses me and seems strange..leaves me in a state of always wondering..like a question Mark
it gets me soo angry...i wanna destroy,pillage and plunder..reach out too someone with my scream..but all that comes out is a Quark

And people wonder why im pissed off or sad all the time..when either them or the world just gives me Harsness......
My feelings gets too my head...and i cant see straight...like im blind...Tumbeling in my own Darkness.
People look att me in a weird way..they have been doing that all my life, for them it seems like a Must..
If they only knew how much they hurt me...with the eyes...words..and actions...its something i cant Adjust.
i cried then...i cried now...and i will cry in the future..im glad that my cheeks aint made of iron..because they would Rust
when i look myself in the mirror i REALLY hate what i see..im getting old and fat...and i punch the mirror in Self disgust
I been hurt by soo many i loved.....and i have loved quite a few people...Its too late for love again..i simple have no Lust
everything have been shit in my life..my childhood..my teenage years..and my young adulthood..but it could all end with just ONE knife Thrust

In the good old book even known as the bibel....
i would be the prime exempal of sins...especially because i dont belive in God and im suicidal.
ive been wishing too die or kill ever since my childhood..Look me in my eyes if you dare and you see im Sick
i just wish anybody had the backbone or balls too stand too me and say stuff in my face..but then they would need a Medic
Why couldnt i have the body of Sylvester Stallone or the money of Brad Pitt??
Instead im a swedish white trash unstabel fat poor bastard.....can you belive that Shit?
I would pubilicate this words , but the media dont want too spread the truth they wanna Feed you with a spoon of lies..
Now take a minut too think about that..... That the corrupt media is the only thing preventing my from getting a Lyrical prize

And it feels like im the only Man left that would rather die than hurt someone who put their trust in me..
but these young people have no standards anymore as even the blind can see....
i dont wanna use drugs or medics anymore just too live and be
Next time you see me High is when i hang in a tall tree....

Bunden vers av SgtChrille
Läst 359 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2020-03-27 17:20

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  kjell-åke bearfoot VIP
I see myself in your text ... that's why i say it's good ... not because you give me one ... i read it because of that, but i don't say it's good because of that. I say it's good because it's singing like music about me in my ears and my eyes see myself there ...
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