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The happiness of a woman does not necessarily have to be covered by the uttered words of the lips, but sometimes it is simply a hand to hold when she is lonely, a shoulder to lean on when she's tired, a hug when she's cold, a warm embrace when she's sad, ... Yes, there are times, happiness just needs to be so quiet and simple ...

The happiness of a woman is very simple...

The happiness of a woman is not necessarily held by an incredibly perfect guy...

That happiness can be found in anyone: a good neighbor, a silly best friend, a difficult colleague, even an "injustice" who keeps arguing incessantly, ... as long as that person understands her, and loves her, as long as that person is the person who makes her feel warm when she thinks about , she smiles when she sees his name, and is happy to be around ...


Fri vers av Rise Little One
Läst 235 gånger och applåderad av 6 personer
Publicerad 2020-06-20 06:13

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  Lars Hedlin
Kloka visdoms ord ..kram

Ja, det var kloka ord...oftast behövs det så lite för att känna lycka...mycket fint...

  Marita Ohlquist VIP
Visdomsord av en klok kvinna!

Kärleken den kärleken,lyckan som existerar och med den kärleken precis hur man än är!

  Max Poisé VIP
Balans! Det är ordet som måste existera!


  Blomma-Stjärna VIP
En välgenomtänkt och välformulerad text om hur lycka kan skapas i en relation
tycker om att vem som helst kan bidra till "the happiness of a woman" "a silly best friend... even an "injustice" who keeps arguing incessantly" "as long she is happy to be around"
jag sparar denna!

Så mycket bra och rätt i denna text för lyckan, att bli sedd och hörd för den man är!

En text att ha i minnet. Kärleken kan uttryckas på så många vis.
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Rise Little One
Rise Little One