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Text: D.Lyrstedt Musik: D.Lyrstedt/A.Di Paula

Another Fate of Earth

Someplace else this battle roars and rages on
We spend our savings on damnation
The men that live for death we see them ride along
We got this common destination

Please take your seat
Soon it’s too late
You got this choice
To change your fate

We live our lives no matter what’s the cost of this
A sale is on you got to be there
We’re standing first in line, who pays the price for this this
We always find the answer elsewhere

Open your eyes
Soon it’s too late
You got this choice
To change our fate

Take a look upon yourself
Is your way of living worth
See this picture that we send
to another fate of earth

When we look upon ourselves
It’s our future state of birth
Hear this message that we send
to another fate of earth


Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av Daniel_78 VIP
Läst 183 gånger och applåderad av 5 personer
Publicerad 2020-11-18 15:30

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Daniel_78 VIP