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En sång. Text: D.Lyrstedt Musik: D.Lyrstedt/S.Bergling

No More Cities Left


vers 1

So we left another town
again, to get away
Open windows, clear blue sky
Tomorrow is another day


A new beginning, on promised land
A place to park our car
Lay down our roots, plant a seed
and find out who we are


But everywhere we set our home
Plants won't grow well in this soil
We got nowhere else to turn
No more cities left to burn

vers 2

The radio is om repeat
Smoke rising from afar
We got to beat this endless road
and find out who we are


A new beginning, on promised land
A place to park our car
Lay down our roots, plant a seed
and find out who we are


Whereever we may settle down
Plants won't grow in this ground
We got nowhere else to turn
No more cities left to burn 

And In the ashes
We walk around and kick with heavy boots
And as time passes
We realize that we have burned out roots

A new beginning, on promised land
A new beginning, on promised land
A beginning, on promised land
A place to park our car
Lay down our roots,plant a seed
and find out who we are

But everywhere we set our home
Plants won't grow in this ground
We got nowhere else to turn
No more cities left to burn

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av Daniel_78 VIP
Läst 254 gånger och applåderad av 8 personer
Publicerad 2020-11-24 13:13

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  bibbi ahrnstedt
En skickligt skriven sångtext, bravo

  lodjuret/seglare VIP
Jag vet inte mye om musik, men lyssna med ett öra, det går ju...

  Solstrale VIP
Mkt bra! I ljud och text!

  alicja lappalainen VIP
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Daniel_78 VIP