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united people of Tellus

united people of Tellus, fight the demons of hell lust/
break fucked laws of disorder right and wrong let us/
see it clear and learn to love/
stop living in fear and put your trust in us/

let it crash yeah fuck the system hard!/
had an early crush on revolution young and smart/
bun di laws! right thoughts/
politrix in discuses lamb skin, thats whats up!/

we eat you for dinner pigs! no fucking scan/
my animal instinct is like a lions wraaah!/
fighting all dominating forces cus love is all that matters/
stop creating wars becuse you have no chance/

Against the freedom fighters united fist smashing politrix/
reppin bliss of the universel power rapping skillz/
don't belive the barbie plastic propaganda/
the tactic we have will take you higher/

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av Sebastian A.K Hagman Sundström Lejonsjäl
Läst 141 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2021-03-27 15:01

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Sebastian A.K Hagman Sundström Lejonsjäl
Sebastian A.K Hagman Sundström Lejonsjäl